Wednesday, 15 February 2017


The project I worked on the last 5 weeks of the minor.


What started as a research on the subject of identity, eventually became more about answering a very personal question: "Who am I (at this very moment)?" but also "What has formed my sense of I?"

Based on interviews I did with people (friends and other people I regularly interact with) and footage of myself, I eventually projected the footage onto a mirror + let the audience listen to the interviews. When seated, the viewer would see their own face in the mirror, with the faces of others layered on top of their own.

exhibited at Breda's central train station


 excerpt from Flux (full version is around 4 minutes):

The reason I named this project Flux is because the conclusion I came to is that (my) identity is fluid. Quite obvious of course, but when I was younger I had a fixed idea of who I was, who I am, and who I would become.(or who people told I was, am, and should/will be. to be more precise.) But our (sense of) self constantly changes as we move on in life and meet new people, and that's what I wanted to convey to others (and to myself) with this project.
And through this project I finally accepted that as a natural part of life, instead of fighting it, I suppose. So it's been a valuable experience.

 more detailed description of the process: